What can be done with Reiki

What can be fulfilled with reiki

* Manifesting one's goals

* Healing and Energizing - Reiki has a natural intelligence to know heal and energize any situation problem and mental or physical condition.

* Clearing psychic debris - We experience the ill effects of different issues regularly these issues or injury gets collected as psychic debris in different parts of our framework , reiki is exceptionally powerful in clearing them and in this manner recuperating one.

* Activating Chakras - Reiki vitality is extremely compelling in initiating essential vitality vortexes called chakras. Solid chakras are paramount in keeping up a sound body and mind.

* Clear Communication with the ever far reaching Super Consciousness.

* Cleansing and healing the mind, Mental Problems emerge because of specific blockages and problematic energizes in the psyche and these can be effectively healed with reiki.

* Sound Physical Health, Reiki Healing builds the quantum of Life Force Energy Stored and moving through the body, subsequently advancing great physical wellbeing.

* Recharging the Psychic Batteries - essential vitality to convey the regular work is stored in the solar plexus of our vitality framework, regularly this vitality reserve called psychic battery get exhausted and we feel tired. Reiki helps one to revive this reserve called psychic battery at one's will consequently invigorating us and keeping us dynamic and energetic.

* Experiencing the ubiquitous Source- while invoking reiki vitality we are associated with the super consciousness this empowers one to experience the divine part of oneself.

* Meditation - Getting attuned with the inner self and easily getting into meditative state.

* Feeling and encountering the divine love:
Divine love radiates from within in all directions infinitesimally connecting us with the source. During a reiki attunement one's spiritual chakras and energy centers are opened for life, thus divine reiki energy can be channeled by them

* Channel divine vitality and elevate one's consciousness to experience higher dimensions.


Third Eye Reiki Services™,
Sky Healing Frontiers™,
Plot No. 49, Door no 7, 1st Flr, Second Cross,
Chandran nagar, Chromepet,
Chennai - 600044.

landmark- near venketeshwara hospital. 


Mobile #:
+91 9444342693
+91 9360528300
+91 8072254013

Ph #:
+91 44 35682546
