
The art of Healing one-self wholly and completely..

Third Eye Reiki Services™ 

The Center Of Excellence For Reiki Healing And Training In Chennai.
Third Eye Reiki Services

Reiki is the art of channelling unique divinely guided life force energy through the healer and passing the energy on to the person who is being healed. As the energy is being channelled the reiki healer is also healed and energized during the healing session. The healing energy possesses innate intelligence. reiki is a divinely guided energy, it knows how and what to heal. Feel the flow of Reiki energy through their hands and palm.

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Reiki can be learned by anyone. No academic qualification is required to learn Reiki. You need not be spiritually active either. Learning Reiki is nothing but the process of converting ourselves to be a medium for Reiki energy. This is done by the process called Reiki attunement. Reiki attunement releases the karmic impressions of a person and makes him/her a medium for Reiki energy. Reiki attunement is done by the Reiki master.

Reiki Distant Healing

Distant Healing or absent healing simply means that the healee is not present in the vicinity of the healer. In fact, the healee can be in another room, building, city, country, and continent, basically anywhere in the world. Distant healing works because Reiki energy is omnipresent. The healer guides and directs the Reiki energy to the healee thus, remotely healing him. Distant healing is more effective than touch healing in most cases.

Karma Relesing Angelic Healing ...

Get Healed at ₹27/day for 365 Days
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Reiki Healing Workshop

Reiki Weekend Classes

Reiki Level I Basic & Level II Advanced Course

* Course Conducted on a weekend
* Saturday 9:30 am to 4:00 pm - Reiki Level I Basic
* Sunday 9:30 am to 5:00 pm - Reiki Level II Advanced
* Lunch provided

Course fee inclusive of
* Access to our Mobile App.
* Guided Meditation Audio mp3s.
* Reiki Level I and II manual.
* Certification.

Please call us to register for the course and for the Schedule of the course.
Contact Us:
+91 9360528300, +91 9444342693 ,
+91 044 42877131

365 days Year Round Reiki & Angelic Karmic Healing at ₹27/ day - (1Hour Healing)

The following procedures are carried out in Healing By Sky Healing Frontiers(SHF), Reiki & Angelic Quantum Healing.

➢  Clearing away all the negative karma accumulated in this lifetime and all the past lifetimes.
➢  Clearing away all negative elementals in the auric web.
➢  Clearing away all the dhoshas( curses).
➢  Clearing all negative and misqualified energies.
➢  Clearing away residual karma and psychic debris.
➢  Clearing away negative entities.
Healing and filling body with divine energy and wealth.
➢  Healing , activating and balancing the chakras.
➢  Healing the five koshas and physically, mentally and emotionally
➢  Healing the relationship problem
➢  Healing the ailments and area of need requested by the individuals.
➢  Stabilizing the chakras and aura.
➢  Activating a psychic shield to protect the person wholly and completely.
➢  Individual's photo and details kept in pyramid for receiving healing 24x7.
➢  Healing with reiki symbols.
➢  Cutting the negative psychic chords of fear that are draining your energy and vitality.
➢  Healing and energizing the subconscious mind.

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Progressively decimate Present & Pastlife Karma 

Break the cycle of fruitive actions and become free from negative karmic cycle. Experience the reality of actually being in the sate of Krishna or Christ consciousness rather than an intellectual speculation. Thus leading a happy, healthy and Prosperous Life. 

Comprehensive Angelic Protection

Employ SHF angels to remove curses, lift entities and elementals to light and invoke a powerful shield to protect from negative sources of influence.

Empowered With Divine Wealth

Empower yourself with a host of divine wealth that we infuse you with. Experience Universal Divine Love, Gratitude, Healing, Compassion, Health, Wealth and Abundance.


The word 'Rei' means universal and 'ki' means Life Force Energy (LFE). Reiki is a holistic healing technique where the reiki practitioner channels reiki energy which is a unique potent form of life force energy. The healing energy is a raw power which is transformed into various per manifestations such as healing, shielding, space clearing, intelligence, memory. Reiki energy has innate intelligence and has a consciousness of its own, it is unfathomable, ever expansive and omnipresent. As it has innate intelligence it knows how and what to heal any situation wholly and completely.

Reiki is a divine intervention that equips people with the ability to channel energy from higher dimensions. One's desire can be manifested with reiki. Reiki is practiced by getting into alpha state of mind.

Reiki can be practiced by anyone. One need not have any prior knowledge or any specific quality to receive reiki treatment. Reiki can be applied to any situation or any disease one might be undergoing. Reiki has innate intelligence to know and heal, there is no need to guide on how and what to heal, reiki knows it all. Reiki puts people into a deep state of slumber where one experiences a soothing and calm feeling so that they are peacefully healed.

Reiki can be applied to anyone who is in a slump and in need of energy and we can do a physical, mental and emotional healing. Reiki can be applied to children and teenagers. Reiki Training in Chennai can be used for clearing one's mind and to bring them to a calm and peaceful state and to vitalize the body and mind. Pets, plants, and animals respond very well to reiki energy and can be healed and energized wholly and completely.

Reiki can be learned by any one. It only takes the willingness to learn reiki and the flow of reiki and reiki attunement should be accepted with an open mind. The power to heal and the ability to channel reiki energy is passed down from master to student during a reiki attunement. The student gets the flow of energy through their body immediately after the reiki attunement is done. The flow of energy through the system can be vividly felt by the reiki practitioner.

Learning reiki classes in Chennai to heal oneself is very easy. One also learns how to use reiki symbols while healing. Distant Healing is also possible with reiki, i.e. healing anyone from any part of the globe remotely. Prior knowledge in reiki, spirituality, and other related fields is not required to learn reiki. Reiki level one basic and level II advanced classes are taken in a weekend for two whole days ? 7 hrs each. It is a practical oriented course where the student take partners and heal each other. As the course is practical one does not easily forget the contents of the course. The important part of the course is learning reiki symbols and how to effectively utilize them in healing and also the reiki attunement.

Reiki Healing is done by touch healing or beamed from the palm chakra into the aura of the healee. A Typical duration of a reiki healing session is about an hour. For the most problem, the healing is given for three days with one session per day and five days for more complicated problems. Once the healing session is done the healing takes place for 21 days automatically.

A deep sense of calmness is felt during the healing session one goes into a deep slumber and often goes to sleep. Effective healing of mental and psychological problems can be done with reiki. The karmic impressions of the healee get released during the healing session as a result of his the healing takes place.

Our Team


Dr. B Aswin Roshan PhD. (Reiki)

A Reiki Master. He is involved in research in channeling of new and vibrant healing energies for the benefit of mankind.

Founder & Managing Director

Third Eye Reiki Services™
Sky Healing Frontiers™

15 years



A.B. Saveetha M.A.

A Reiki Master/ Teacher who will take the reiki classes and attune the students into reiki. She has an experience of more than 15 years and she is an active meditator for the past 20 years.


Reiki Master/ Teacher

Third Eye Reiki Services™
Sky Healing Frontiers™

15 years


Sky Healing Frontiers™

Embark on a journey to the Zenith Of Healing & the Pinnacle of Evolution.

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Third Eye Reiki Services™,
Sky Healing Frontiers™,
Plot No. 49, Door no 7, 1st Flr, Second Cross,
Chandran nagar, Chromepet,
Chennai - 600044.

landmark- near venketeshwara hospital. 


Mobile #:
+91 9444342693
+91 9360528300
+91 8072254013

Ph #:
+91 44 35682546


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